File this one under “Art vs. Craft.” Or maybe “Appliances.”
Ripley’s just announced they’ve acquired a new artwork: A reproduction of Da Vinci’s famous Last Supper…made from dryer lint. It’s 14 feet long (the original, below, is about twice as long, but hey–paint and canvas are probably a lot easier to find than the right shade of dryer detritus).
The artist comes from Michigan, one Laura Bell, and she spent months and months trying to recreate ol’ Leo’s palette, only fuzzier. Finally she bought a bunch of towels and ran them through the dryer in separate loads until she’d accumulated enough of each color.
I’m wondering exactly what it is that inspires artists to recreate the Last Supper…on the head of a pin, a grain of rice, a dime, a piece of bubblegum?
Dunno. But would someone please needlefelt me a copy of Michelangelo’s David?
Comments welcome! (thanks)