(given the state of the financial markets), but the Pilchuck auction is later this month. Once again I’m going to miss it due to prior commitments (and a kilnbuilding project that’ll either bankrupt me or drive me nuts, maybe both). But at least I can have fun with the online catalog…
It’s kinda nice to see so many artist-buddies represented in the auction catalog this year, as well as the work of artists whose stuff is hanging around my house. There’s a (drool) machine from Bandhu Dunham, a nice piece by Lawrence Morell, and an intriguing piece from Pino Cherchi, too.
The fun stuff, though, is looking at work from newer artists:
Claire Belfrage: A glassblower (every year I say glassblowing has about reached its limits and every year I’m wrong). I enjoy her use of color and texture.
Carol Milne: I lost a silent auction bidding war for her GAS donation this summer, a “knitted” cast glass bowl, and still regret it. I did get a chance to talk with her there (and ask how she gets all the plaster out of those tiny crevices…”elbow grease,” she grinned).
Brian Howard: Brian uses found objects and glass to create really surrealistic insect habitats–you just gotta see them. I was in a show with him this summer and absolutely fascinated by his work.
Kazuki Takizawa: I’m not entirely sure why this work keeps catching my eye, but it does, and I keep going back to it.
Elissa Batchley: She’s doing interesting things with float and chickenwire that make me want to try them…
Ah well. There’s always next year.
Comments welcome! (thanks)