Specs: Wazer desktop waterjet cutter
- Cutting area: 12″ x 18″ (30.5 x 46 cm)
- Max cutting thickness: 1″ (2.5 cm)
- Kerf (cut width): 1/16″ (1.5 mm)
- Platforms supported: Apple Mac/Microsoft Windows/USB/SD card
- File formats allowed: SVG, DXF
- Power: 110/120V, 250W, 60Hz, 12.5 amps (pump), 2 amps (cutter) (220V, 50Hz or 110V, 60Hz)–you need two 15-amp circuits or one 20-amp circuit
- Abrasive type: 80-mesh garnet
- Abrasive flow rate: 0.33 lbs/minute
- Waterjet pressure: Wazer will not reveal this, although waterjets typically cut at 30,000-90,000 PSI. Our guess is Wazer is at the low end of this range.
- Abrasive bin capacity: 40 lbs.
- Water type: Standard tap water, with a minimum flow of 1gpm and 30 psi
- Estimated operating costs: 16-51 cents per minute, depending on whether you buy consumables in bulk
- Consumables: Abrasive ($0.25-$1.44/lb), cutting bed ($50), nozzle kit ($249, 300hr life), orifice ($49, 300hr life)
- Supported materials and cut rates: See the Wazer website
- Price: $7,495 plus shipping (I paid the Kickstarter price ($3,999) plus $350 shipping from New York to Portland, OR)
- User support: Wazer customer service is the first stop, but I know of two community support forums on Facebook, Wazer Users Support Group, and the Wazer User Group, in addition to Wazer’s own FB page.
Welcome, Bob Heath! Since Wayland the Wazer is currently living at Bob’s studio, and he’s doing all the hard work of setting it up and testing, I’ve invited him to co-author this post.
The word “Kickstarter” originates from the Latin calcitrare stultus, meaning “one who makes a stupid mistake,” or more succinctly, “Howdy, sucker!”
Learned that the hard way, backing 41 different Kickstarter projects including the nonexistent miracle mini-drones, the world’s first wearable cooling device (a very loud fan stuck down your britches), and what has to be the worst-tasting batch of caramels in the history of candymaking.*
Fortunately, the Wazer desktop waterjet cutter is mostly an exception.
What’s a waterjet cutter?
Waterjet cutters are marvelous devices, sort of the aqueous analog of a CNC machine or laser cutter. They precisely slice shapes in stone, metal, glass and other waterproof materials.
My local waterjet cutter, John Groth, can easily accommodate a 4×8 foot panel on one of his two cutters. He’s trimmed very thick glass pieces and created lots of copies of pieces with tricky inside curves and angles for me in the past.
Waterjets are most cost-effective when you need a fair number of copies, since a lot of the work of a waterjet is in setting up the cutting file and mounting the media into the machine correctly. They make vertical (well, mostly vertical; more on that later) cuts all the way through the material, but the cuts can be as intricate as the diameter of the water stream will support.
The cut they make is relatively smooth with a frosted edge, about what you’d get if you sandblasted glass with 80-grit abrasive (which is essentially what you’ve done). It’s extremely precise, with minimal chipout (although it’s happened a couple of times). They only cut through the material–you can’t stop the depth of the cut to engrave or sculpt.
All you really need to do is wash the cut pieces, add whatever decoration you want, and slam ’em into the kiln.
Unfortunately, these machines are also huge, costly, and not cheap to run. Wazer promises to make waterjet cutting as easy as using an inkjet printer, only with water and abrasive. How cool is that?
In reality, it’s a bit more complicated, but not THAT much more. You set up a simple SVG or DXF file (typically used for 3D print and CNC machines), load it to the Wazer cutting application, and download the resulting process file onto a standard flash card.
Shove the flash card into the Wazer’s card slot, punch a couple of buttons, and you can cut up to 12×18 inches and an inch thick. Wazer has calibrated cutting profiles for steel, glass, polycarbonate, granite, ceramic, acrylic, carbon fiber, and more, using garnet abrasive and a hookup from your water supply.
How do glass artists use waterjets?
Cutting repeatable, intricate glass shapes, especially inside curves, is something of a holy grail for glass artists, especially if they’re interested in scaling up production work for jewelry sales and such. Typically, you cut an inside curve by hand in very short, shallow cuts, until you achieve the radius you want. Or, if you’ve got something like a Taurus ringsaw, you just simply cut the curve, but it’s relatively slow-going with a huge kerf (the material eaten by the saw), so not particularly practical for large quantities.
Waterjets take away most of the fuss of cutting inside curves and they do it exactly, so that you can make, literally, hundreds of the same thing. This becomes especially crucial where you’re nesting a bunch of glass pieces into each other. Although you must still account for the kerf when nesting, you know that all your pieces will nest together in exactly the same way.
Waterjet capabilities are pretty unique when it comes to glass, and typically out of reach of the home studio. Current laser cutters, such as the Glowforge, can etch glass but not cut it. Affordable CNC machines can’t even do that much. There ARE 3D glass printers on the market, but they’re mostly experimental so far, not particularly precise and require a lot of equipment, time, money, and space.
Is a personal desktop waterjet cutter possible?
So when I saw the Wazer, a desktop WATERJET cutter, I would pretty much have mortgaged my firstborn child to get it. (Fortunately, I don’t have kids) I not only could cut glass shapes precisely, I could also cut metal and other media to incorporate into my glass. And I could do something that’s too expensive to do with a commercial waterjet cutter you hire: Experiment.
I’ve been futzing around with what I call “self-casting,” an offshoot of recasting to correct a flawed cast. Rather than sculpt a model from another material, make a mold of it, pour a wax, and then build a refractory mold around it, I’m playing around with the idea of carving up sheet glass in precise shapes and stacking it up to the desired 3D shape. Then I use wax bondo to fill in the seams and build the final desired shape.
What I get is a stacked-together preview of what the glass will look like post-firing; I completely cover the assemblage with refractory plaster, using the stack to create a perfect mold that doesn’t even need a reservoir. Then I fire the mold just to sinter (solidify) the glass.
Eventually, I want to take a kind of CAT scan approach: Design a sculpture in 3D, cut it into slices like a CAT scan, and create cut files for each slice and each color within the slide. I’ve so far been pretty successful with it manually, but the flaw is always in cutting that much glass so precisely and repeatably across the entire object…without spending the rest of my life doing it.
The Wazer looked like a great way to push the limits on that idea, and a nice way to cut metal for stands and useful implements. So, gulping at the price, I backed it.
The Kickstarter price for my unit was $3,999 plus $350 in shipping costs. (Post-Kickstarter price nearly doubled, to $7,499 plus shipping, for “pre-orders.” At some point, apparently, they’re thinking of raising the price to $9,995.)
If I think about that price, I scream painfully–aside from kilns it’s the biggest chunk o’ change I’ve ever spent on my glassjones–so instead I’m focusing on saving almost six thousand bucks by buying early. At this point I can’t imagine ever spending nearly $10K on a glasscutter, even if it is less than 10 percent of the starting price of commercial waterjets.
Gambling on KickStarter
The Wazer company cheerfully grabbed my Kickstarter money…and disappeared. Every so often they’d notify us of yet another hitch in production; Kickstarters are notorious for underestimating the prototype-to-product lifecycle, especially when the product is REALLY successful. It’s hard to find a factory that can churn out a hundred thousand complicated whatnots on demand, so these guys usually discover that there are only two companies in China even willing to talk to them.
Wazer spent the next two-plus years explaining why they were pushing out the delivery dates again. And again.
Fortunately (well, maybe not FORTUNATELY), I wound up in a wheelchair, which provided plenty of distraction from “well, that’s the last I’ve seen of THAT money.” Instead, The Leg and I discovered the delights of post-fall disability, amputation-loving insurance companies, and wheelchairs, so I stopped worrying about when my Wazer would arrive and concentrated on relearning to walk.
I was walking again by the time (November) I received a FedEx email saying, “Your waterjet arrives on Friday.”
Really? You mean the Wazer is ACTUALLY real? Are you kidding?
Nope. They weren’t. By now, however, I’d written it out of my home renovation plans and no longer had a place to put it…for now, at least.
When you have your very own Resident Carpenter you tend to dream up new remodeling projects every hour or so. If he ever finishes my list, our home will resemble upscale Taj Mahal marries The New Yankee Workshop but keeps The Studio at the Corning Museum of Glass for a mistress. Right now even Dennis the Denver kiln, bigger than a Chevy Suburban, is (probably) hiding under all the construction mess.

The Wazer arrives in a great big 500-lb box…
So Bob graciously agreed to host the Wazer in HIS fabulous studio. I had an ulterior motive: He’s one of the most methodical and innovative engineering types I’ve ever met. (Bob’s comment on this: “You forgot to mention OCD.”)
Bob here: Cynthia has asked me to insert my thoughts into this post. I’ll do so in offset green comments like this so you’ll know who’s talking.
I figured that, by the time my studio was ready for the Wazer, Bob would have absorbed the Wazer ethos into his psyche, refined the heck out of it, and taken desktop waterjets to a whole new level.
So far, that’s right on the mark.
Finally! The Wazer has landed
Wayland-the-Wazer arrived in a 500-lb palletized box containing the actual cutting unit (127 lbs), the all-important water pump, lots of accessories, some garnet abrasive sand, tubing, and a nicely constructed, well-illustrated instruction manual.
Bob and the Resident Carpenter took the box apart and stuffed Wayland into Bob’s van. Bob set it up in his coldworking room, and patiently waited for me to show up for the Wazer shakedown cruise.
Getting started with the Wazer

Our Wazer sits on this sturdy table from Global Industries, roughly a $900 savings over the one Wazer sells.
The Wazer needs a (very) sturdy stand with room underneath or nearby for the pump unit. If you backed it on Kickstarter, you could spend another $250 for a custom stand to support the unit, pump, and some supplies; if you buy it now, it’s a whole $1,000 and absolutely not worth it.
Bob found a very nice, sturdy stand that just fits the Wazer for $118 including shipping from Global Industries.
Wayland has three main components: His cutting unit, the water pump box that pushes very high-pressure water into the cutting unit, and WAM, software to convert your SVG or DXF files into Wazer cut files (more about the software later). He doesn’t connect directly to your computer; instead, you download cut files onto an SD card and insert them into the machine.
Wazer also has some pretty specific installation requirements: You only need a tap water source, but your location must also have either an outlet on a 20-amp circuit reserved exclusively for Wazer, or two 15-amp plugs on different circuits, one for the pump and one for the cutting unit.
Bob: You also need a drain to handle the waste water while cutting. Since some of the garnet, and probably some of the material being cut, winds up in the waste water, it’s also a very good idea to have some kind of sediment trap to keep from clogging your drain pipes. Fortunately, my coldwork room was designed with just such a drain system, so all I had to do was stick the drain line into the grate of the existing floor drain.
You’ll also need plenty of room to store abrasive–the Wazer goes through a fair amount of it during a 16-minute cut–preferably close by so you don’t have to haul heavy bins of sand. And it’s not a bad idea to put the Wazer somewhere you are NOT working, because it’s loud.

Wazer stores abrasive in two bins on the side of the unit.
Wazer’s setup instructions are fairly complete, but the rest of them are under “Cut Preparation” and shouldn’t be skipped–leveling the cut bed, filling the holding bins with abrasive, turning on the valve to open the water flow, adding the water sensor alarm under the unit in case something goes wrong while you’re not there, ensuring that the high-pressure hose and assorted accessories are correctly installed and working, etc.
The Cut Preparation part, with the exception of leveling the cut bed, needs to be repeated prior to every cut. The user manual is very adamant about that and warns you that bad things will happen if you run out of garnet abrasive or, heaven forbid, don’t turn on the water supply during a cut.
Fortunately, the control panel leads you through a step-by-step checklist to remind you to do each of those steps before it will actually start cutting.
One other thing that needs to be done prior to a cut is to top off the water bath that surrounds the cut bed. Ideally, you want the top of the water to be within 1/4″ of the top of the cut bed, but some of that water gets lost during a cut, so you need to add more before the next cut.
For that reason, it’s very handy to have nearby, an additional water source, other than the one that is plumbed into the Wazer pump.)
Wayland’s first cuts

Wazer included the files needed to create your very own aluminum bottle opener, complete with hanging hole and logo.
Wazer ships with a preconfigured file for your first test cut along with a sheet of aluminum; the file makes a simple bottle opener with the Wazer logo down the handle.
Since Wazer had done all the prep we didn’t have to do more than download to an SD card, and plug it into Wayland. A few taps on the console buttons initiated the cut.
Bob: We weren’t actually sure what the provided sample cut file was going to cut because Wazer provided only the cut file and not the SVG or DXF image source. From pictures on the Wazer website, we thought it was probably a bottle opener, which turned out to be correct, but it’s a different style bottle opener than what we guessed it would be.
Wayland shipped with an already secured 3″ x 5″ piece of aluminum on the cut bed in the correct location to go with the cut file, so once we went through the checklist and started the cut, we just watched and waited to see what it was.
Wazer’s web app, WAM, creates the actual cutfiles. You log in, upload your SVG or DXF file(s), and then select the material and thickness you’re cutting. The app will set the required Wazer parameters for that material, and create a final cut file that you download to an SD card, then insert into the card slot in the Wazer.
Rather than make this post even longer, you can just watch the Wazer in action on these first two cuts (this video takes about 9 minutes, and the sound of a waterjet cutter can be annoying. You’ve been warned…):
Bob: In the WAM app, you specify the type and thickness of material you’re going to be cutting, and also the quality of cut you want; Coarse, Medium or Fine.
As you might have guessed, selecting Coarse will give you a rougher cut, in less time, using less abrasive than either Medium or Fine. Since Wazer had already done that part for us, we don’t know what grade of cut they specified for the sample.
The file is set for cutting the aluminum test sheet; Bob fiddled awhile to figure out how to cut its equivalent (3mm sheet) in glass. It wasn’t obvious.
Bob: We wanted to do a side by side comparison to see how quickly Wayland could cut glass as opposed to the aluminum sample. Unfortunately, without the source image, we didn’t have an easy way to create a new cut file for glass.
We wound up taking a photo of the aluminum bottle opener, then used Inkscape to digitize that and save it as an SVG file that could be uploaded to WAM to create a new cut file.
Our digitized image wasn’t as clean as the original, but we figured it would be close enough for our purposes. After cutting out the bottle opener in glass, I noticed that the hole in the end was missing. At the time, I wrote it off to operator error when digitizing the image, but later discovered that it actually was present in the SVG file that I uploaded to WAM, but for some reason, WAM hadn’t included it in the cut file.
I went through the steps several more times and found that sometimes it got included and sometimes it didn’t. I’m not sure what’s going on there. After I’ve spent more time working with the WAM software, I will have more to say about it in a future post. The end result of our test, other than a relatively useless glass bottle opener, was that cutting cutting glass took 5 minutes, 41 seconds which was about 3 times faster than cutting aluminum, at 16 min, 24 seconds.
Bear in mind though that while we chose “Fine” for the glass cut, we don’t know what cut quality was used for the aluminum and the glass cut didn’t include the hole in the end.
In fact, there’s a fair amount of not-obvious stuff in this first iteration of WAM. The app offers some fairly powerful features, such as scaling and rotating components and accurately positioning them on the cut bed, but is missing a few standard web interface features.
For example, the app doesn’t let you zoom in on your cut file image while you’re working. Trying to edit any part of the image, such as eliminating unnecessary vector drawing points that might slow things down, becomes really really difficult. WAM is also–not surprising for a web app–kinda slow.
Like CNC machines, your design must include some way to keep the material stable while it’s being cut. You screw the entire blank of material down to the cut bed, but once a piece is completely severed from the blank, it’s going to dance around and likely get in the way of a successful cut.
To avoid that, you build tabs into the design, small interruptions to the cutline that will leave the cut piece firmly attached the blank. Once everything’s cut out, you either break or saw through the tabs to free the piece(s), then smooth down the nubs to finish the piece. If you look closely at my image of the bottle opener, you can see the nub of the tab on the left end.
Maintenance and consumables

The 80-mesh garnet abrasive bin that came with the Wazer.
Wazer publishes recommended maintenance schedules for 100, 300, and 800 hours of operation. At 100, you’re mostly cleaning and inspecting; at 300 you make about $300 worth of replacements to nozzles and orifices. The 800-hour maintenance is a rather mysterious “Pump Box Rebuild,” with instructions to call Wazer for help.
Lemme guess: That 800-hour pump box rebuild is NOT gonna be cheap.
One small headache: So far we haven’t found where Wayland actually tracks his hours of operation, so unless it’s there and we just haven’t found it yet, we’ll be logging the Wazer cutting hours manually.
Abrasive. The Wazer uses sandblast-standard 80-mesh garnet abrasive, which is pretty readily available, and they caution you not to use any other size or type of grit. Depending on where you buy it, the stuff can be pretty expensive, but a lot of the cost is taken up with shipping.
Wazer will sell you either a 55lb bucket of the stuff for $79 (about $1.44/lb) with free shipping, or a 2,200lb batch on a pallet for $682 plus $299 shipping from New York (about 45 cents/lb).
Shipping what is essentially dirt all the way from New York to Portland seems a bit idiotic, frankly, and if you’re shipping it to your home/home studio they’ll simply drop it on your driveway and leave you to figure out how to get 40 55-lb bags to whatever dry spot will store it.
Tractor Supply sells 50-lb tubs for $26.99 (about 54 cents/lb), less than half the Wazer price for single buckets, which so far is the cheapest I’ve found in I-can-lift-it quantities. They don’t ship, however, so you’d better hope you have a Tractor Supply nearby.
Cut bed. Our unit came with two cut beds, the 4-inch thick honeycombed plastic blocks the Wazer uses as a cutting support surface. The surface accepts machine screws, so you carefully screw down whatever material you want to cut, to ensure it stays put while the Wazer is operating. When the surface will no longer hold the screws, it’s time to get a new one (for $79, and as far as I know they’re only available from Wazer).

Wayland the Wazer, arrived from the factory set up for his very first cut. The plaid-looking surface is the until-then-pristine cut bed, a 4-inch block of honeycombed plastic that accepts machine screws to hold down the piece you’re cutting. That’s a piece of 2mm aluminum sheet.
After our first two test cuts, the cutting area beneath was pretty badly chopped. Commercial waterjet cutters put a piece of sacrificial board underneath the material to be cut and rotate material around the entire bed, just to slow down the rate of damage, but I suspect we’ll be buying a lot of these things. I’m tempted to figure out how to print my own on a 3D printer.
Nozzles and orifices. Like sandblasters, the Wazer shoots its water+abrasive mixture through a special nozzle. After 300 hours of operation, the nozzle assembly must be replaced, at about $300, and as far as I know only Wazer carries them. If Wazer goes out of business, that could be a problem, because the machine won’t work without them.
Results and next steps
So the first two cuts were successful (or mostly so). As Bob mentioned, we’re not sure what resolution Wazer selected for the aluminum bottle opener, but you could see and feel a little stair-stepping (like tiny, almost invisible ridges) around either curved end.
I was surprised to find that, although a waterjet is famous for vertically slicing through the material, the finished cut (on the Wazer, at least) isn’t strictly vertical, i.e., it’s not at a 90 degree angle to the surface. Instead, it angles out slightly, giving a positive draft to the piece; the bottom is just a tiny, tiny bit wider than the top.
It makes sense when you think about it: The abrasive jet of water+garnet hits the top edge of the material and disperses a bit, fanning the jet out as it travels down the edge. It’s not terribly noticeable unless you’re looking for it, but it does make it a bit more difficult to fit pieces exactly together without grinding.
On the other hand, it’s an exploitable feature; if I pay attention to which side I’m working, I should be able to alternate face-up/face-down cuts of whatever I’m working on, so that pieces could even lock together. Most of the time, though, I’ll need to either grind my glass surfaces to 90-degree angles, or–given the 16th of an inch kerf–let the pieces flow together in the kiln.
Speaking of glass, cutting glass on the Wazer turned out to be faster, but more problematic (aside from a glass bottle opener being a tad impractical). The aluminum accepted close-together cuts to make letters handily; on the more brittle glass the cuts seemed to spread. The cut edge had a tendency to chip or crack a bit.
I’d show you pictures of the glass we cut, too, but SOMEbody accidentally left the aluminum and glass test cuts in her jeans pocket when chucking laundry into the washing machine. A small piece of glass with a lot of holes in it simply can’t stand up to bouncing around in a dryer for an hour; I’m still cleaning bits of glass out of the lint catcher.
Overall, though, we’re pretty happy with the Wazer’s performance. I’ve picked up a bunch of sample material to make test cuts–mild steel, bronze, copper, aluminum, acrylic, all in different thicknesses–and am designing a 4×4 inch test pattern to figure out cutting times and quality. There are probably 20 different pieces, so this is going to take awhile.
More about the Wazer when we’ve gone through all those samples…and then we get to making stuff.
*Yeah, I’m gullible.
DrJ. GENERATORVT. Howdy. I am a Volunteer at the Burlington, VT MakerSpace where some of the members have expressed interest in a WAZER for possible use in “Non-Heat Distorted” cutting of Metal, Glass, and Composite materials for hobbyist projects.
While the $10,000+ is possibly attainable through various fundraising efforts, the actual performance, consumable supplies, cutting times, and maintenance issues are important considerations.
It is now AUGUST 26, 2022 in Burlington, VT . The most recent comment from CYNTHIA was on January 14, 2019.
Has your “To WAZER or Not to WAZER” member Critique resolved itself over the ensuing years?
Are you aware of any Non-Commercial, Maker Space WAZER placements that have proven to be satisfactory/successful inclusions in dependable equipment with widespread use across the membership over time? At what level would you rate the Cost/Benefits of such a waterjet device?
reply: wallacejohnston54@gmail.com
Hi, Dr. J. I think the Wazer is a reasonable choice for casual hobbyists. The cost of materials and maintenance, though, keep me from recommending it for heavier use, especially in a makerspace where there’s a high potential for consumables waste or misuse.
I don’t know of any makerspace using one, but there is a Wazer Facebook group that might know of something like that. Personally, I would either forego waterjet capabilities or wait until I could afford a better machine.
I did a second review of the Wazer where I discussed the cost of consumables and some of the gotchas involved in owning one: https://www.morganica.com/wazer-update-getting-deeper-into-the-machine/
I talked myself out of this machine for cutting glass after seeing a demo. It’s a hard decision because I found a great deal on a barely used one. All water jets are maintenance hogs just because of the high pressures they run at. Wazer runs at less than 5000PSI according to their website, which accounts for the painfully slow cut time and so-so results cutting glass. Considering the issues people are having, maintenance requirements, online only software and low operating pressure, I’ve decided that the ring saw is just fine for one off projects. I will revisit the water jet if I ever venture into production style work.
Honestly, the online only software and proprietary parts, like the nozzle, are deal breakers for me. If Wazer closes the doors, the machine becomes a door stop unless someone steps up and offers non-proprietary parts and software for it.
I’m wanting to have multiple pre-existing 4” diameter dished glass discs cut, with a 3-1/4” circular aperture. The aperture depth of the cut is 1/8”. I’m going to find a shop in the San Francisco Bay Area, for the project.
Any suggestions?
Hi, Giovanni;
Probably your best bet is to contact one of the glass artist user groups and see who they use. Failing that BAGI (Bay Area Glass Institute) might have some ideas. I’m afraid I don’t know that much about Bay area resources, sorry.
Been dealing with nonstop issues here. Its a great machine… when it works. But the minor problems, downtime, maintenance, etc., is getting ridiculous. It is to the point now that we are just going to buy a plasma cutter for metal, and then ONLY use the Wazer for really soft materials to minimize the Wazer usage/runtime as much as possible. Talking MAYBE 100 hours cut time. But replaced tons of components, abrasive collect leaves TONS of abrasive in the bed. Hyper sensitive, one drop of moisture and your abrasive feed is clogged.
I feel like there are a lot of issues. But I really think a well thought out Gen 2 could be amazing.
I’m sorry you’re experiencing that much trouble and yes, it didn’t take long to figure out that the Wazer was great for cutting intricate glass shapes (if you are patient) but not really cost-effective for the cutting the stuff I really needed, i.e., stainless and mild steel. I gathered–from the lack of response I got from Wazer support–that this is a pretty common discovery. I sold it to someone who wanted it for exactly the right purpose, i.e., cutting a lot of simple glass shapes, and set up a forge in the backyard shed for cutting and manipulating steel.
Of course, I also have the luxury of having three really good (and cost-effective) waterjet cutting services. That helps.
Great article. Just an idea, but I would get the $79 Nozzle modled up in CAD and 3D Printed in Titanium or Ceramic for abrasion resistance
It’s bound to be a small piece so upload model to “CraftCloud” (sources lowest quotes globally) and get an instant printing quote.
That’s a great idea…particularly since I’ve probably got about a thousand other things that could use that too… thanks!
Andrew, can you tell me more? I think it’s a great idea!
Good review! I had been lusting after a Wazer to use for cutting glass. About your note on needing tabs to hold designs in place while cutting—how does that work with glass? Do you have to finish off with a ring saw? Overall, it sounds like it isn’t ready, at least currently, for production glass work.
Thanks! I found that the glass tabs are very small–about 1-2mm thick–and you can place them in spots that make it easy to grind them down, so that’s not much of an issue.
I think the Wazer is best for cutting glass when you have a lot of inside curves in your shape that need to be repeated exactly through multiple production runs. Script letters, for example, would fit that bill, as would paisley patterns, faces, and the like. You do have to be careful of the kerf size, which is going to limit how small/intricate your curves can be. Closely spaced curves or holes cut too close to each other will stress and probably crack the adjacent glass. Simple cracks aren’t THAT much of a problem–as long as they hold together you can probably place them in the kiln, fire, and they’ll meld during kilnforming. Chips, however, are a major pain in the neck to overcome.
I bought my Wazer for steel/aluminum for stands as well as a few reproductions of fairly intricate cuts, and found it’s actually cheaper to head down the street to my favorite waterjet shop, and have them do the cutting. I sold the Wazer, however, to someone who is doing exactly what you’re talking about, production glass work, and she seems to like it quite a bit.
Wow! What hype over this waterjet, and a total failure on all levels! Honestly, I can’t find one good thing to say about it. The biggest issue is back flow, water is randomly flowing back up the abrasive line getting the abrasive wet and clogging the line so there is no abrasive flow. Wazer’s response is ALWAYS, update your firmware, which never resolves the issue. Additionally, it’s painfully slow, there is zero abrasive flow control. The quality and consistence of the cuts are unacceptable. It’s cheaply made, It is completely useless in a commercial environment. I wish the domed top was taller, i’d turn it into a terrarium!
I can’t speak to the backflow issue, I never experienced it, and I absolutely agree that Wazer has a LOT to learn about customer support. I would agree that it’s not that useful for cutting ferrous materials–it’s too slow, the pressure of the jet is too low so that you wind up with less cut precision and consistency than you’d expect, and the cost in consumables is high enough that it’d be cheaper to job it out to commercial cutter.
But I do think it works for cutting some non-ferrous materials, such as glass and plastics. I needed both metal and glass cut, so the numbers (economically and time-wise) weren’t there for me. I sold mine to someone who uses it to produce repeated and intricate glass cuts for her artwork, though, and it works just fine for that, saves her a lot of time.
Thank you for the review. We have purchased one for our shop and have been extremely disappointed with its performance. The times and media usage have been extremely exaggerated as well as the quality of the cut. They asked for a sample file in which i sent and have not received any feedback. I asked them for a partial refund upon return of the unit but was denied. They told me to put it on ebay. I dont think they will be around for long.
Well, I must admit that the speed (not very) and consumables usage (huge) is daunting for the Wazer, to the point that I’m not sure you’d want to use it for commercial purposes. But it’s a good starter if you think you might be interested in waterjet.
Dear Cynthia, thank you so much for this initial impression and review of the wazer.
I’ve been wanting, lusting, desiring, dreaming of a waterjet machine for close to a decade, but the shop footprint, and the grotesque price of the machine have kept me away. I do have a local shop that will cut pieces for me with their large waterjet, but they’re a busy, industrial supplier and I have to jump in line and wait for weeks, or longer. It doesn’t allow for–as you mention in your blog– much time for experimentation. I’ve wanted a waterjet so badly that I’ve scoured ebay, contacted Omax (Their ProtoMax is intriguing, though small) and Wardjet pursuing quotes and yes, shameful as it is to admit, I’ve been thinking of selling one of my kidneys. And, if my wife were a more sound sleeper, one of hers too! Unfortunately, I want a 2′ x 4′ bed, which puts a person up into the $100K machines, and a ginormous amount of shop floor space lost to a machine that I won’t use everyday (but probably every week!)
Anway, when Wazer’s kickstarter started, I got really excited. But because I too, have been burned on the kickstarter craze, I withheld my money, hoping for proven results. I’m so glad to see that they’re shipping units, and I’m even more grateful for fellow glass fusers like you who share of your time and energy to help other glass artists. Thank you, so much! Please keep us updated on how your machine performs, and how it’s use impacts your work. I’m living vicariously through you right now. May your Wazer be amazing… (please, I hope so, anyway–so I can get one too!)
Eric Baker
Thanks, Eric, and yep, I do get the expendable kidney argument; I seriously considered that (and then wound up pretty much doing it–or at least removing a large chunk of my retirement savings–for a sportscar. shame on me). Bob and I are working on writing Wazer Part II now, albeit as dayjobs permit: We’re designing a test file to exercise the Wazer on different materials and see if we can really understand the limitations and powers of this thing.
From what I’ve seen so far, it’s going to be terrific for detailed cutting in metals and a bit coarser in cut for glass–jury’s still out on plastics. That isn’t what I expected, given my experience with commercial waterjet cutting, but I must confess I haven’t done more than very simple shapes in glass–rectangles, ovals, etc. That’s again because experimenting with a waterjet is too costly when you’re paying per piece plus setup fee.
I was a little disappointed in the specs on the size of the cutting area but must confess that 12x18x1 inches seems larger than expected. I’m planning to get around it in glass by simply cutting components of a larger shape, then fusing them together in my (much larger) kiln.
Cost, by the way, is still something of a limitation with the Wazer–when you create the cutfile in WAM it gives you an estimate of time and abrasive usage. My first 4-inch square test file was going to take 32.5 minutes and consume nearly 11 pounds of abrasive to complete. I’d planned on doing four thicknesses each of aluminum, mild steel, copper, bronze, brass, galvanized steel, stainless, glass, and acrylic, which would be 36 test tiles. That’s 20 hours of cutting, not counting material setup and cleaning (even if we gang 12 tiles at a time, difficult with the way you attach material to the cutting bed, that’s a lot), and 400 pounds of abrasive!
So…revising the test tile and running it on maybe 15 tiles instead… If nothing else, the Wazer will teach me to do the math before committing. 😉
Cynthia and Bob, Thanks for the update on Wayland. We are awaiting for Coco to arrive and we are in the process of making a space just for her so she feels welcome in our studio. I’m hoping that she’ll announce her arrival so we’ll be home the week she appears. I’m busy reading all the manual so I can be totally confused when she comes.
You should get an email from Wazer telling you the approximate delivery date, and then Fedex will follow up with the actual delivery day and time window. Ours was right on time. If it’s a residential delivery (or some place without a loading dock and a lot of strong, willing arms to haul stuff), you get to figure out how to get it out of the driveway and into the right spot. In our case, Wazer wouldn’t divert the shipment to Bob’s studio (they’ll only deliver to the original Kickstarter), so Fedex left it at the foot of our driveway and then we took out the separate components to stow them in Bob’s van. The whole pallet is more than 500lbs, but the individual components are mostly 50-130lbs or thereabouts.
Good luck!
I was really excited to see this from someone doing similar things that I am. I whole heartily agree with everything you have said. I must say though, clean it after every cut, 2-3 times and then run a used abrasive collection. I have had mine for about a month and have also most 15 hours of cutting, but I have cleaned it completely 3 times, because I had to. As in, completely drained and cleaned. I don’t think it is picking up my used abrasive as much as it should. Thank you for your review. I look forward to the next instalment.
Lisa Martin
Good to know, thanks! I think Wazer somewhere does talk about a 20-hour maintenance which I suspect is similar to what you’re talking about, but not every 5 hours. Wow. We’ve only made the two cuts so far, but if a 5-hour cleanout is mandated, we might be talking to Wazer to see if there’s a problem.