Hey–just a fast note for Ernie lovers: Ernie’s mom is in the news.
Brenda Griffith, the powerhouse GlassValkyrie wonderwoman of Atlanta, is doing her best to convert the South to kilnforming (and beadmaking and glassblowing and, apparently, nude dates at the gloryhole, but that’s another story). She’s got a blog that’s fun to read; I’ve decided I want to be Brenda when I grow up.
And now FoxNews has reported on what she’s up to in a few segments. I’m not normally a fan of FoxAnything, but this is very cool. Give it a look.
I love it when glass (and a buddy) gets a headline. (And not a bad promo, either, Brenda. I notice you got a Bullseye t-shirt in there, your book, date night…way to go!)
Thanks my little Valkyrie friend! Jessie planned out a big segment for the crew to film of Ernie, but, sadly they weren’t interested (and Erns didn’t want to leave his warm stretch of couch at home either!). FYI–John is NOT nude under his Bullseye apron! Shame on you for even THINKING I would promote such hazardousness in the studio! 😉
Neat. Too bad the Fox banner hides a good chunk of the page!