People, places, and and the uncommonplace telling stories as they travel with Morganica (Cynthia Morgan) in mind and memory; neighbors, friends, and findings
cynthia+2015-11-07T16:30:43-08:00"Your mom has such a cute accent," Lorelei assured me, "If she showed off her figure more I'll bet she'd get lots of boyfriends." I rolled my eyes. "Uhm, I think my dad wouldn't like that, Lorelei," and changed the subject. Lorelei's mom had LOTS of boyfriends, so I knew where she was coming from. She shrugged, and resumed plucking my eyebrows. Lorelei's dad apparently didn't mind that his wife regarded marriage as something you did whenever you didn't have a date, but that sure wasn't the way it worked at my house. Mothers who dated were in the same class as extraterrestrials, as far as I was concerned.