
People, places, and and the uncommonplace telling stories as they travel with Morganica (Cynthia Morgan) in mind and memory; neighbors, friends, and findings

3 04, 2014



Ah, spring! That's when a young ant's fancy turns to love.. and to exploring my kitchen counters, dad-blastit. Came downstairs this morning, and found several young Romeos (or possibly Juliets) skittering across the kitchen counter.* I fretted a bit and danced the Windex Waltz all over their crunchy little bodies. (I'm not at all charitable where ants are concerned). Yet [...]

6 03, 2014

Anty M, Anty M*


"You and about five million other people, Cynthia," said the lady on the phone, "Right now I'd like to get a call from someone who WASN'T having an ant problem." The Antmind, anticipating spring by a couple of months, has settled into my home. As houseguests, they leave a lot to be desired. Which is why there was a whip [...]

Anty M, Anty M*2020-05-05T13:31:47-07:00
1 03, 2014

Cookie monster


“Sorry,” I mumbled, trying to look downtrodden, “I, uhm, have the flu?” “Still!?!” exclaimed my neighbor, backing up a step, and I realized I’d used that one a month ago. “Again,” I said, solemnly, and she gave me the look reserved for rabid raccoons and Typhoid Mary. OK, so I was embroidering a bit (i.e., lying), but how else do [...]

Cookie monster2014-04-27T00:13:30-07:00
21 02, 2014

Lola out-Savannahs herself


This is Lola, giving me her "What is your PROBLEM?" look.* I get that look whenever she's just about had it with humans and their screwups. But THIS time, I'm not taking the blame, 'cause it's Lola's own daggone fault. Came home Tuesday night and did NOT find a silver-furred greeter at the door. Usually I get Lola's puckish, catseye [...]

Lola out-Savannahs herself2016-03-09T21:02:26-08:00
17 02, 2014

The Savannah life


(originally published 4/3/2012) [dropcap]I[/dropcap] opened the bedroom door yesterday morning and Lola strolled in, purring ecstatically, wearing my underpants on her head. (Yes, I took pictures and no, you can’t see them) I made a mental note to ALSO lock up the dirty laundry basket. These days all household objects, from art to razors, fall into one of these categories: [...]

The Savannah life2020-05-05T13:32:01-07:00
10 02, 2014

Shooting snow with an iPhone


Icy fence [dropcap]So[/dropcap] you know I can’t pass up something as gorgeously photogenic as crackly, melting ice over snow in my backyard, right? Right. I can’t. And I didn’t. I thought about schlepping Darius-the-Nikon and all his gear out to the backyard for a shoot…but the “melting” part of the above description gave me pause: Darius is not [...]

Shooting snow with an iPhone2015-11-07T22:01:40-08:00
3 02, 2014

Well, hey there!


Been awhile. Been a looooong while. As a couple* folks have noticed, this blog's been closed for remodeling for more than a year, and the why part is a bit tricky. What I'd love to say: I've been slaving away for months, crafting the jo-block perfect Morganica website, and so now...taDA!!! it is: The world's most wonderful resource for glassists [...]

Well, hey there!2017-07-30T14:55:54-07:00
20 03, 2013

Wha’ happened?


It’s dawned on me that I need to explain: I’m not dead, sick or otherwise incapacitated. It’s just that the blog is on temporary hiatus until I get around to fixing a bunch of stuff. Bunches of you have cleverly noticed that there hasn’t been a new post on this blog since November 2012. Must have seemed odd, because for [...]

Wha’ happened?2020-03-02T07:45:04-08:00
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