
20 01, 2010

The art of ignorance


"I just LOVE your collection," I gushed, "It's absolutely incredible. How long have you been collecting?" My host looked puzzled...

The art of ignorance2020-05-05T14:38:26-07:00
11 12, 2009

Sing-along time


Back to glass casting later, 'cause over at Facebook we're fracturing Christmas carols, and I'm adding my share. Besides the classics ("Rudolf the Red-nosed Bandit" and "Jingle Bells but Santa Smells!") I've so far added that much-beloved "Hark the Hairy Anglos Sing." An old friend contributed "Eggplants We Have Heard on High." And I just thought of this one:

Sing-along time2020-05-05T15:00:51-07:00
9 09, 2009

28 pairs of socks


Made a comment on Facebook that has resulted in "so you want to explain the "no underpants and 28 pairs of socks bit?" from a couple of folks, so... (Susan, you already know this one, you were there, so don't bother to read this...;-) ) A few years ago my friend Susan invited me to barge down the Canal du Midi. That's barge as in "large, RV-like boat with all the comforts of home and toilets that fill with canal water when flushing" (I didn't ask where they flushed, but had a sneaking suspicion that the highly perfumed canal water was brown for a reason).

28 pairs of socks2020-05-05T15:06:19-07:00
10 01, 2009

Ant trails


While I find hive minds fascinating--one of the purest examples of an organic computer--I'd rather they stayed out in the wilderness where they belonged. In particular, Tapinoma sessile, the Odiferous House Ant, should really be going home now. ...

Ant trails2022-02-03T07:13:54-08:00
8 12, 2008

Don’t mess with the raccoon


When I moved to glassland I learned many astonishing things about glass, life on a corporate cubicle farm and being at one with Nature. Nature, apparently, also learned to be at one with me, at least when it came to raccoons. More specifically, Nature went out of her way to explain that the cute, cuddly little bandits of my favorite animated fantasies were just that: Fantasies. ...

Don’t mess with the raccoon2022-02-03T07:15:21-08:00
27 10, 2008

Feeling flush


To the list of things you can do in a bathroom stall (and believe me, it’s an extensive and varied list), add: Job interviews. I kid you not. This morning at work I headed for the ladies room to do standard bathroom stallish things. I’m sedately ensconced when someone enters the stall next to me and (I presume) sits down. [...]

Feeling flush2022-02-03T07:15:50-08:00
24 07, 2008

Mammarian musings


(Warning: Squeamish waters ahead if you're the type who avoids intimate girl gabs) They say a skillful beater can pound and pound on an ounce of pure gold until it's so thin that it can cover an entire church dome. Obviously, they borrowed that concept for mammograms. "Are you trying to cover the whole damn cathedral?" I gasped, through gritted [...]

Mammarian musings2022-02-03T07:16:55-08:00
14 07, 2008

SWK seeking contract killer?


So now some poor soul in Hillsboro thinks I'm trying to off somebody. Headed over to the Cornelius Roadhouse tonight to meet Steve-the-kilngod and kick off the Intelligent Kiln Project (more about that later). Arriving, I realized that (a) I had no idea what Steve-the-kilngod looked like and (b) Cornelius Roadhouse is a big place full of guys waiting for [...]

SWK seeking contract killer?2020-05-05T15:24:33-07:00
3 06, 2008

Calendar dressing


55F and rainy today in glassland, and the glasslanders were out in force trying to prove that it’s warm. As I’ve said before, born and bred northwesterners have been genetically modified to perceive “chilled and wet” as “warm and dry,” and there’s no sense in trying to convince them otherwise. An amazing number practice what I call “calendar-based dressing.” Calendar-based [...]

Calendar dressing2020-05-05T15:25:56-07:00
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