
10 02, 2014

Shooting snow with an iPhone


Icy fence [dropcap]So[/dropcap] you know I can’t pass up something as gorgeously photogenic as crackly, melting ice over snow in my backyard, right? Right. I can’t. And I didn’t. I thought about schlepping Darius-the-Nikon and all his gear out to the backyard for a shoot…but the “melting” part of the above description gave me pause: Darius is not [...]

Shooting snow with an iPhone2015-11-07T22:01:40-08:00
11 03, 2010

An arm and a leg or three


If you added up all my blogposts since 2003, you'd have something like 7,200 separate articles. Only about 650 are actually searchable on right now. Tried to import the rest, but so far can't figure out a way to do that without spamming the heck out of the 1,500 or so subscribers who asked to be notified when I [...]

An arm and a leg or three2021-06-15T14:12:11-07:00
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