Cynthia Morgan (Morganica) takes visitors on a journey through metal clay as she learns to use the stuff, from making, shaping, drying, and carving metal clay greenware, through layering and building up greenware through applications of slip, greenware, and solid metals, through finishing and mounting pieces. Includes tutorials, musings, and business discussions on PMC, EZ960, MetalMagic, ArtClay, and other clays, in silver, gold, and base metals such as bronze, copper, and brass.
Remergent: Art shows, resins, and blogs
cynthia+2022-07-03T18:22:05-07:00The Camo Cleaver, commissioned for an outdoor chef. Resin and copper handle. Its mates will be for sale in the upcoming Portland Open Studios tour... A friend asked if I've stopped blogging entirely. "I used to read you with my morning coffee," she said, with a meaningful look, "It was a nice start to the day." "My coffee [...]